Monday 19 April 2010

Cameron, Blaire Both Murdocks puppets

David Cameron's so called modern form of Conservatism really reminds me of Tony Blair's New Labour project the problem Cameron has is that he doesn't seem to realise that this country has had enougth of the broken promises of Labour and the Torrie's the scandals of money hungry M.Ps selling themselves to the highest bidder or political parties being funded by billionaires who avoid paying taxes in this country. The country seem to now realise that its time for a total change in our politics. We now realise that the two old parties are both the same. At heart they are both desperate groups of megalomaniacs desperate to stay in power.

The problem with this desperation is that all of there policy's seem to be relational and thus not thought thoughrly threw. For instance both labour and the Torrie's claim they what to change politics. Yet when Nick Clegg lay ed down a proposal for both political and electoral reform Labour voted against it and the Torrie's didn't turn up. why cant they be honest with the public and say the reason they don't want true reform i.e proportional representation (meaning every vote would count)is due to the fact that both the Torrie's and labour are happy to swap power. I believe this because they know that neither party would be radical enougth to deliver genuine change so they always carry on pretty much where they left of usually with the country in mess and the government being bought down by a melase of corruption and spin.

The country now know that the only party with real radical policy's like proportional repersentaion, abolishing trident, taxing airlines and bringing everyone out of the first 10000 of income tax are the Liberal Democrats. The funny thing is that that the Lib Dems have been this radical for years yet have never been given the enougth media coverage to get there message across. Now for the first time the public are accepting there is a third option that wont give tax breaks to millionaire while cutting front line services. That care more about what the public think that what Rupert Murdock's right wing rag thinks. I mean after all its the people that win or loose election not the Sun.

Friday 16 April 2010

The big debate

Having been out campaigning for the lib dems for eight hours in my own personal close Lib Dem, Torrie battle ground West Berkshire constituency. I got home just in time for the big debate which I must admit I had reservations about upon hearing the rules on time limits and the tight controls on audience reaction. I was also worried that the debate would be all style and no policy as often Prime ministers questions dis sends into a which party's back benchers can shout and holler louder battle between the two old parties. However to my delight and i have to admit the debate was for once a sensible fair debate of ideas and ideology's. I also feel this is the case in the election campaign which the media seem to be bored of but the public seem to be infused with.

I feel this is down to many reasons but i feel the main to are firstly that the Lib Dems are for the first time being treated as equals to the main two parties, which I think in some way must be down to the T.V debates. Secondly I feel there is a genuine hunger for change in the public for the first time since 1997. i believe this is in a large part down to the exspencesis scandal.

My options on the actual debate seem to be very similar to the polls with Nick Clegg seen as the option for change while the other two leaders seemed to struggle to explain how they diffed from each other. I feel that the parts that relay resonated from what Nick said were on how the lib Dems would give everyone a totally tax free first 10000 pounds of earnings. while the tories only tax break would be aimed at double millionaires.
The Lib Dems policy on the 100 billion pound monstrosity that is trident was also a highlight. Nick Clegg was honest and said this was a cold war age defence mechanism that we simply no longer needed and certainly could no longer afford. David Cameron and Gordon Brown were constantly asked to justify this huge waste of public money seemed to really struggle first Cameron seemed to hint at a future cold war situation with China. Then the question was asked to Gordon Brown who just couldt seem to come up for any real reason for keeping this Nuclear weapon that was designed to wipe out St. Peters burg or Moscow at the touch of a button. I feel the general concentus in the public is that how can the Torrie's and labour both justify huge cuts to the economy while wasting public money on White Elephants like trident.
The third and i feel most important augment Nick Clegg gave was on reform of our political system. Many people two years ago would have said this was a waste of time and money and asked whats the point?. If one thing good has came out of the exspensices scandal and subsequent cash for influence and political funding scandals its a hopefully end to safe seats. I believe that its the whole job for life attitude of politicians that know first past the post will ensure they can get away with murder and still be re elected that has led to these seemingly never ending scandals that have led to total non trust from us the public of our public servants. Nick clegg made the point that for all of his political life he had supported change to our roten system which time and time again leads to arrogant politicians who feel they will only go when they choose to write their memoirs or if not in a coffin. meanwhile Gordon brown said time and time again said "I agree with nick on this" while having no answers as to why he had done nothing about political reform in the past 13 year. David Cameron also gave a telling silence on the issue and gave no attempt to explain why he opposed making every British voters vote count.
Nick Clegg Liberal Democrat: I feel Nick took real advantage and certainly came out on top. He showed the public that there was another fairer option to the old Red, Blue politics of the Torrie's and labour.