Monday, 19 April 2010

Cameron, Blaire Both Murdocks puppets

David Cameron's so called modern form of Conservatism really reminds me of Tony Blair's New Labour project the problem Cameron has is that he doesn't seem to realise that this country has had enougth of the broken promises of Labour and the Torrie's the scandals of money hungry M.Ps selling themselves to the highest bidder or political parties being funded by billionaires who avoid paying taxes in this country. The country seem to now realise that its time for a total change in our politics. We now realise that the two old parties are both the same. At heart they are both desperate groups of megalomaniacs desperate to stay in power.

The problem with this desperation is that all of there policy's seem to be relational and thus not thought thoughrly threw. For instance both labour and the Torrie's claim they what to change politics. Yet when Nick Clegg lay ed down a proposal for both political and electoral reform Labour voted against it and the Torrie's didn't turn up. why cant they be honest with the public and say the reason they don't want true reform i.e proportional representation (meaning every vote would count)is due to the fact that both the Torrie's and labour are happy to swap power. I believe this because they know that neither party would be radical enougth to deliver genuine change so they always carry on pretty much where they left of usually with the country in mess and the government being bought down by a melase of corruption and spin.

The country now know that the only party with real radical policy's like proportional repersentaion, abolishing trident, taxing airlines and bringing everyone out of the first 10000 of income tax are the Liberal Democrats. The funny thing is that that the Lib Dems have been this radical for years yet have never been given the enougth media coverage to get there message across. Now for the first time the public are accepting there is a third option that wont give tax breaks to millionaire while cutting front line services. That care more about what the public think that what Rupert Murdock's right wing rag thinks. I mean after all its the people that win or loose election not the Sun.

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